Salt Therapy

Health statistics show a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory problems Conventional treatments often cause undesirable side effects, with drugs containing steroids or corticoids As a result many people look for natural therapies. In reality such a therapy has been around since the time of the ancient Greeks. It is called salt therapy (Halotherapy). Hippocrates was the first person who spoke about the anti-inflammatory effect of inhaled salt particles. He was aware of the curative nature of the halite salt mined from the Carpathian Mountains where today the salt crystals from the Praid salt mine are put into the Dry Salt Inhaler
“Salt miners do not suffer from respiratory diseases” observed the Polish physician F. Bochkowsky. Bronchitis and other respiratory diseases can be cured or effectively treated the natural way, he argued in 1843. Ever since hundreds of thousands of people suffering from allergies, asthma and other respiratory disorders have encountered relief in the salt mines of Poland, Austria, Romania and the Ukraine. 

“The treatment is effective in 90 percent of cases”, says lung specialist Dr Marta Rzepecka at the Wieliczka salt mine Sanatorium, in Poland.
The Saltpipe Dry Inhaler doesn’t produce any side effects and it lasts for 5 years with a recommended 15-20 minutes daily use. The device has been manufactured in a number of countries for nearly a decade and it is sold under different brand names with “saltpipe” often used as the common /generic term.
The benefits of salt therapy or speleotherapy are well documented. In the mid 18th Century a Polish health official Felix Botchkowski noticed that the workers of salt mines did not get ill with lung diseases. He wrote a book about the effects of salt dust in 1843. His successor Mstislav Poljakowski founded a Salt Spa in Velicko near Krakow, which is still in operation.
During the Second World War, salt mines were often used as bombproof shelters. After spending time there many people who suffered from asthma felt that their health had got better!

These days hundreds of thousands of people suffering from Allergies, Asthma and other respiratory system disorders have found that visits to the salt mines of Wieliczka in Poland, Hallen in Austria or Praid in Romania or the Dead Sea to inhale the salt brine vapour have brought amazing natural respiratory relief.


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